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Lift everyone's spirits and balloon their excitement towards the sky with Hot Air Balloon bounce house. This ride features a 15'x15' bounce house for everyone to bounce, jump, hop, skip, roll and run around in as they please. The Hot Air Balloon is a fun ride that is suitable for all occasions. Everyone will enjoy hours of fun-filled physical activity in the Hot Air Balloon, be sure to have one ready to take flight.

Hot Air Balloon

  • Lessor will: 
    1. Provide the necessary power cords to reach a minimum of 50ft.
    2. Deliver, set-up, teardown.
    3. Carry a liability insurance policy covering our services & equipment. 

    Lessee  will: 
    1. Provide _*electric*__ 110volt/20amp electric circuits and 10/12 gauge cords for distances over 50ft.
    2. Provide any required entrance and parking passes.
    3. Provide a clear and clean space where unit will be set up. 

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